Saturday, April 20, 2013

Pure Happiness

So many reasons to be happy tonight! I won't go into most of them here but it would behoove of me to celebrate the fact that after nine long years the Toronto Maple Leafs (My favorite sports team out of all sports) is finally going back to the playoffs and they couldn't have picked a more fitting day to do it with all the positive vibes and feelings going around my life right now. Reflecting on things so much has happened in those nine years. A lot of good and a few bad times as well. Over the past couple years many great things have happened  that has turned what was a life that seemed a scattered and hectic mess in some ways into one I am proud to be living and sharing with friends and family I truly care about. So tonight as I celebrate the fact that my hockey team will be playing post season hockey again for the first time in ages even if they are still a long way from the ultimate goal of the Stanley Cup. (As they say you have to take baby steps first).  I also celebrate all the great things that have taken place in my life over the last few years to lead to where I am today. There are moments, friends, days  like this that I will never  forget. The happiness they bring out makes me truly feel lucky to live the life I live and know the people I do. I can only hope many more days can be like this one in the future. For now I am more then content to continue enjoying this one for many a day to come.

Tomorrow once some of this excitement subsides Ill probably give an honest first impressions of Injustice: Gods Among Men.  Till then GO LEAFS GO!

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